
3 Must-Read Posts To Help You Stay Sane At The End Of The Year

The end of the year can stress any teacher out. Make sure to check out these 3 posts to hold onto your sanity as the year closes!

3 Must-Read Posts To Help You Stay Sane At The End Of The Year by A Word On Third

1. My 3 Best Secrets For Finishing Report Cards Quickly

Report cards don't need to ruffle your feathers. I get mine done in a day or two. My comments take a day at most.

Start by selecting your grades so you can beast it with your comments. Click here or on the picture below to see how you can do the same.

2. 4 Steps To Deconstructing Your Classroom In Just ONE Day

I love Angela Watson (the author of this post) because she is so darn practical and organized. She wrote this awesome post on how to clean up and take down your classroom in a few hours (just one school day).

I'm leaving my classroom up and running 100% until the second to last day of school. I'll be using her system. Click here or on the picture to snag her spectacular ideas. I recommend purchasing her product on Teachers Pay Teachers too; I'm so thrilled to be using it this year!

3. How To Introduce Supplies And Routines Easily And Effectively

When I introduce routines, I always use interactive modeling. It's easy to forget that interactive modeling is crucial for the end of the year too!!

Click here or on the picture below to check out the 7 steps to interactive modeling and see which ones you can skip at the end of the year when routines are well-established.

I hope these 3 posts help you to sleep easily before your school year ends! I think the one that will make me happiest for next year is Angela Watson's post for packing up quickly and effectively.

If you're already thinking about setting up for next year, make sure you go download my teacher's toolkit to help you launch reader's workshop. The price will be going back up soon, so grab it while it's at its lowest price! Click here or on the picture below to see my toolkit with 27 ready-to-go lessons, anchor charts, conferring note-taking templates, materials for your students, and more.

By the way, if you haven't already subscribed, we'd love to have you! Join our community by signing up in the box right under my bio to the right. That way, you won't miss any blog posts. I promise not to clutter your inbox! And make sure to follow me on Instagram for more classroom ideas than I put on my blog.

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