
Growth mindset--it's one of the latest buzz words in education, but it's for good reason. When we have a growth mindset and we teach our students about having a growth mindset, the learning that can go on in our classroom (both socially/emotionally and academically) sky rockets! Taking the time to teach my kids about how their brains work and how we can build our strength at any skill by practicing has compeltely transformed some of my students' attitudes.

I have found some AMAZING resources for teaching about having a growth mindset, and I wanted to share them with you!

I bought this unit on TeachersPayTeachers for $12.00. Let me tell you--I RARELY spend that much money on that site. However, this is one of the best purchases I've ever made for my classroom. Here's what it includes:
  • Complete teacher's guide with step-by-step instructions for each of the ten lessons
  • Link to a page on Angela Watson's site with embedded video clips for teaching growth mindset
  • 20 page interactive student journal (all the materials you need for each activity)
  • 10 pages of a growth mindset bulletin board set, provided in full color and black and white
  • Printable posters and certificates of completion for the end of unit
This unit is DYNAMIC and FUN! I will definitely be using this each year. I'm so pumped about using this in my room. My kids are too. They love learning about how their brains work. Ideally, had I found this sooner, I would have used it a lot in the beginning of the year and then sprinkled in the last half of the lessons here and there throughout the year. However, it's working just as well using it now. I recommend finding the time to fit this in--it's fabulous!

Here's another video that I really like. I watched this and changed my thinking as a teacher, but you could show parts of this to kids too.

Are you new to the idea of a "growth mindset?" Are you teaching any of this to your students? Comment below! 
Long time no post! I think I will be posting less (probably only a few times a month) so that I can focus on putting some more stuff into...