
Hurry-Join My Easy Summer Reading Challenge!

Last summer was the first summer I felt like I learned a lot and was productive over my summer break. I was so proud of sticking to a plan to read all summer. So, with a lot of excitement, I'm launching my 2016 summer reading challenge! If you want to learn a lot about something important to you, try it out!


This part is so important. Last year, I posted about my success with my reading challenge. I had the great idea to plan for my own summer reading just like I require my third graders to do in their book clubs. WELL. With a little plan came a LOT of success! Last year, I was adding my plan into my personal health planner. You can see what my plan for one of my books looked like here:

It's nothing crazy. All I did was write what chapters I'd be reading each day. This summer, I've got my plan on google calendar. See?

Each night you can see "SRC" for "Summer Reading Challenge. You can see the book and the chapters I'm reading. You should pick a plan that works for you. If you think you can only read 4 to 5 days a week, that's fine. Just create a plan that reflects that. I find that it's important to schedule in a time for reading too. 


There are so many I want to read, but I narrowed it down to 5 this summer. Here's what I'm reading! Click any picture of a book to see it on Amazon.

My friend Amy Harris is always talking about this one, so I am giving it a try. It is all about unlocking your potential and shifting your mindset to be more positive. I think I'm pretty positive, but I'll always welcome more positivity. So, this isn't only school-related, but I'm giving it a try. I am going to be responsible for improving my school's climate and getting character education into each classroom next year, so this seems like a great fit for me!

This is going to be super useful. I have a really warm classroom community in my room, but in third grade, cliques start forming. I am NOT into them AT ALL. They really get under my skin since I was bullied as a kid. I want to make sure that my classroom is as safe as possible. Bonus points? This book was written by Caltha Crowe, who I have a slight obsession with and teacher crush on. #TEACHERGOALS.

I'm super stoked for this because, as I said before, I am all about positivity. AND WHAT'S EVEN COOLER IS THAT I WON THIS BOOK! Just flipping through, there are TONS and TONS of practical, easy-to-implement tips. I love my classroom because it's happy and fun. I want to make it even more happy and fun. This book covers grouping students for collaborative learning, getting to know your kids, making learning interactive, how to structure lessons, and teaching kids to self-assess. It looks super amazing!

The product description on Amazon says, "Create a thriving, student-centered classroom with this powerful resource. The book guides teachers to develop a rigorous, concept-based curriculum that is differentiated for all learners across content areas, and to build students' thinking skills." UM. YES PLEASE. 

If you're in for my challenge, I want you to pick the books that resonate with you. I hope my choices are an inspirational starting point for you. If you just want to learn and have no idea where to start, check them out! Or mix and match! Read what will make you a better teacher and make your classroom happier. 

What's going to make you get your reading done? Is it setting a bed-time reminder on your Fitbit and getting into your pajamas at a consistent time? Is it sitting pool-side with your book and your favorite pink lemonade? Whatever it is, get cozy, and commit to the schedule you set. I found the schedule surprisingly easy to follow because I had already made the plan for myself!

So have you read any of these books? If so, what do you think? If not, are you going to try them? What's on your list? Comment below!

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