
Hi, Teachers!

Today is the day I get to show you the two new products I've been working on! I'm so excited to share them with you because I know your classes will love, love, love them, and they are just in time for the TPT Cyber Monday sale!! They are debuting today, and will be 20% off for the rest of the day and tomorrow until midnight. Snag them while you can!

I don't know about you guys, but my kids need to MOVE AROUND. My kids are really active. I also find that my classes are... oh, I don't know... A BILLION TIMES more well-behaved when they really know each other. These mini games will help you to accomplish both of those tasks at one time. These are my Community Building Bingo Boards! They will last you ALL. YEAR.
Community Building Bingo Brain Breaks for the FULL YEAR! - By A Word On Third

Here's what a sample page looks like. My kids grab clipboards and a bingo board and play for anywhere between 3 to 10 minutes, depending on the time we have. They just mingle all over the room. Students fill in each square with a classmate's name who fits the rule in the square. These are perfect as quick brain breaks to get kids moving throughout the day, or you can use them during the "Activity" portion of your Morning Meeting. These will help your kiddos build assertion, communication skills, and much, much more. For best results, keep using the boards all year long. Some of the boards can be used more than once during the year. The first version of the year-long product has more than 25 boards. I like to use one per week. The best part? ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS PRINT AND COPY. That's right... no prep! Whoo hoo!!!

The year-long bundle includes boards that go along with a theme. Some themes are: Valentine's Day, Saint Patrick's Day, Halloween, Winter Holidays, math, writing, reading, science, social studies, recess games, Physical Education, Art, super heroes, spring, winter, fall summer, classroom experts... the list goes on! I'm also happy to create extra boards if you want them. Just leave feedback on TPT and you can re-download them when I update them. 

You can grab the freebie here (it has a few boards you can use if you aren't sure you want the product yet), and the paid product here. WHOO HOO!! I'm so excited to share this with you because I think it's FUN.

On a silly note, I saw this meme this morning and had a chuckle. Who can relate??

What are you buying for Cyber Monday? Did you buy something on TPT? Did you find any great teaching products? If so, post them below so other teachers can snag them!
Hi, Teachers! I just wanted to let you know that everything in my store will be 20% off on November 30th and December 1st. Get your wi...
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Hi, Teachers. Have you ever had a student who really wanted to share a personal story while you're teaching a mini-lesson?  Have you ...
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Hi, Teachers! I'm super excited to be linking up with 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made It linky party! I know that postin...
Hi, Teachers! One of my favorite days of the year is Halloween, but it is just so.darn.exhausting. Are ya with me on that!? Of course, thi...